M. Xiong, J. Liang, Y. Guo, I.H. Lee, S. Bakshi, and K. Muhammad, "PDET: Progressive diversity expansion transformer for cross-modality visible-infrared person re-identification," 27th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2024, DOI: nya.
M.A. Kiasari, K. Muhammad, S. Bakshi, and I.H. Lee, "Hybrid transformer-CNN-based attention in video turbulence mitigation (HATM)," 27th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2024, DOI: nya.
Z. Luo, W. Fu, S. Liu, S. Anwar, M. Saqib, S. Bakshi, and K. Muhammad, "Cefdet: Cognitive effectiveness network based on fuzzy inference for action detection," 32nd ACM Multimedia Conference (ACM MM), 2024, DOI: nya.
M.T. Islam, N. Rahim, S. Anwar, M. Saqib, S. Bakshi, and K. Muhammad, "HazeSpace2M: A dataset for haze aware single image dehazing," 32nd ACM Multimedia Conference (ACM MM), 2024, DOI: nya.
R.P. Padhy, S. Ahmad, S. Verma, S. Bakshi, and P.K. Sa, "Localization of unmanned aerial vehicles in corridor environments using deep learning," 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2021, pp. 9423 - 9428, DOI: 10.1109/ICPR48806.2021.9412096.
S. Mishra, M.N. Sahoo, and S. Bakshi, "User Driven Dynamic Frequency Scaling for Power-Aware Mobile Cloud Terminals," 11th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNET), 2018, DOI: 10.1109/COMSNETS.2019.8711477.